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About the Journal

ACTA (Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia) is published by the Norwegian Institute in Rome in association with Scienze e Lettere, Rome. ACTA publishes articles relevant to Mediterranean archaeology and art history within the broader interdisciplinary mission statement of the Institute. ACTA is an international, open access journal that simultaneously publishes a paper and an electronic version.


Current Issue

Vol. 35 No. 21 N.S. (2023): Special issue (online only): Reception and Legacy of Female saints in Early Modern Rome and Lazio = Ricezione e influenza di modelli di santità femminile nella Roma e nel Lazio di età moderna
Saint Catherine of Siena as Spiritual Mother of the Second and Third Orders of Saint Dominic by Cosimo Rosselli (1439_1507)”, National Gallery of Scotland released on license Creative Commons CC by NC. Photographer: Antoni Reeve

Ediderunt Clara Stella and Kristin B. Aavitsland

On cover:
“Saint Catherine of Siena as Spiritual Mother of the Second and Third Orders of Saint Dominic by Cosimo Rosselli (1439_1507)”, National Gallery of Scotland released on license Creative Commons CC by NC. Photographer: Antonia Reeve

E-ISSN (online version) 2611-3686

Published: 2024-04-17
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