Arvid Andrén (1902-1999) Scholar, teacher, humanist and poet


  • Ingrid Edlund-Berry Department of Classics The University of Texas at Austin



Arvid Andrén, Architectual Terracottas, Etrusco-Italic Temples, Etruscan, Faliscan, Latial sites, Ardea


 Arvid Andrén (1902-1999) was a Swedish archaeologist whose magnum opus, Architectural Terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples, published in 1940, is still a main resource in the field of Classical archaeology. In addition to his important scholarship, he shared his love of Rome and ancient Italy with students and colleagues as Director of the Swedish Institute in Rome. His collection of Etruscan and Roman antiquities is now in the Museum of Cultural History in Oslo, and is in the process of publication.


Architectural terracottas

‘Note on the terracottas found on the Acropolis of Ardea during the excavation of 1930,’ Associazione internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Bollettino 2:2 (June-July): 17-18.

a ‘Terrecotte di Ardea’, in Corolla Archaeologica principi hereditario regni Sueciae Gustavo Adolpho dedicata: 98-117.

b ‘Nuovi scavi in Ardea (primavera 1932): le terrecotte architettoniche’, Associazione internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Bollettino 3:3 (August-September): 8-16.

‘Terrecotte decorative e figurate di Ardea’, Associazione internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Bollettino 5:1-2 (January-April): 22-31.

‘Una testa fittile etrusca del V secolo a.C.’, in Dragma Martino P. Nilsson dedicatum, Lund: 1-19.

Architectural Terracottas from Etrusco-Italic temples, Lund and Leipzig.

‘An archaic terracotta antefix’, Opuscula Archaeologica 2: 159-163.

a ‘Fragments of Etrusco-Italic terracotta revetments in the National Museum in Stockholm’, Opuscula Archaeologica 7: 46-49.

b ‘Om figurdekoren i etrusko-italisk tempelarkitektur’, in Arkeologiska forskningar och fynd. Studier utgivna med anledning av H. M. Konung Gustaf VI Adolfs sjuttioårsdag 11.11.1952, Stockholm: 118-127.

’Una matrice fittile etrusca’, Studi Etruschi 24: 207-219.

a ‘Due frammenti di statue fittili votive di Ardea’, in Studi in onore di Luisa Banti, Rome: 15-21.

‘Osservazioni sulle terrecotte architettoniche etrusco-italiche’, Opuscula Romana 8: 1-16.

‘In quest of Vulca’, Rendiconti della Pontificia Accademia 49: 63-83.

a ‘Un gruppo di antefisse fittili etrusco-laziali e la questione dell’esistenza di un abitato ostiense anteriore alla colonia romana’, Studi Etruschi 48: 93-99.

Ancient sculpture

‘Der lateranische Silen und die Gruppe von Athena und Marsyas’, Opuscula Archaeologica 3: 1-36.

c ‘Il Torso del Belvedere’, Opuscula Archaeologica 7: 1-45.

̔Marmora Etruriae ̓, Antike Plastik 7:7-42.



‘Scavo sull’acropoli di Ardea: rapporto preliminare’, Opuscula Romana 1: 1-20.

‘Scavi e scoperte sull’acropoli di Ardea’, Opuscula Romana 3: 1-68.


with Eric Berggren, ‘Blera (Località Selvasecca): villa rustica etrusco-romana con manifattura di terrecotte architettoniche’, Notizie degli Scavi 8:23: 51-71.

Italian sites

Capri. Från stenåldern till turiståldern, Lund; English translation: Capri. From the Stone Age to the Tourist Age (Göteborg 1980).

Orvieto, Göteborg.

Museum collections

‘Classical Antiquities in the Zorn Collection’, Opuscula Archaeologica 5: 1-90.

‘Greek and Roman heads in the Malmström Collection’, Opuscula Romana 2: 7-29.

Antik skulptur i svenska samlingar, Stockholm.

b ‘Greek and Roman Marbles in the Carl Milles Collection’, Opuscula Romana 5: 75-117.

c ‘Classical Antiquities of the Villa San Michele’, Opuscula Romana 5: 119-141.

Translations of poetry

b Vår vän Horatius, Göteborg.

a Horatius, Satirer och epistlar, Göteborg.

b Latinska dikter om kärlek, lidande och död, Jonsered.

a Giacomo Gioachino Belli, Romerska bilder, Jonsered.

Horatius, Diktkonsten (Ars poetica), Jonsered.

Rutilius Claudius Namatianus, Hemfärden; De reditu suo, Jonsered.


Det romerska London, Stockholm.

‘Sensation i Volterra’, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 6 March.

a Italiensk mosaik [Italian mosaic] [anthology], Stockholm.

b ‘Blick på New York’, 1-4, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, 1 November-1 December.

Arkeologins marodörer, Göteborg; English translation: Deeds and misdeeds in Classical art and antiquities (Göteborg 1986).

b Minnen från min forntid [Memories from times past], Göteborg.

Tuscanica. An Etruscan picture-book, Göteborg.


Åström, P. 2000: ̔Arvid Andrén’, in Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund, Årsberättelse 1999-2000, Stockholm: 30-35.

Boëthius, A. 1930: ̔Ardea’, in Associazione internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Bollettino 1:2 (June), 8-9.

Boëthius, A. 1931: ̔Ardea’, in Associazione internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Bollettino 2:2 (June-July): 1-17.

Boëthius, A. 1934: ̔Gli scavi di Ardea ̓, in Associazione internazionale Studi Mediterranei, Bollettino 2:6 (February-March): 21-23.

Boëthius, A. 1936: ’Ardeatina’, in Apophoreta gotoburgensia Vilelmo Lundström oblata, Gothenburg: 346-388.

Edlund-Berry, I. 1999: ‘Arvid Andrén Forskare, lärare och poet’, in Romhorisont 38:2: 14-15.

Edlund-Berry, I. G. Greco and J. Kenfield (eds) 2006: Deliciae Fictiles III, Oxford.

Edlund-Berry, I. 2014: ‘Från Ardea till Deliciae Fictiles: Arvid Andréns pionjärgärning inom svensk antikforskning’, in Svensk antikforskning vid Medelhavet, ed. F. Whitling, Stockholm: 65-69.

Klynne, A. 2006-07: ‘The Villa Selvasecca revisited’, in Opuscula Romana 31-32: 29-57.

Lulof, P. and E. M. Moormann (eds) 1997: Deliciae Fictiles II, Amsterdam.

Lulof, P. and C. Rescigno (eds) 2011: Deliciae Fictiles IV, Oxford.

Rystedt, E., C. Wikander and Ö. Wikander (eds) 1993: Deliciae Fictiles, Stockholm.

Stopponi, S. 2011: ‘Campo della Fiera at Orvieto: new discoveries’, in The Archaeology of Sanctuaries and Ritual in Etruria, (eds) N. T. de Grummond and I. Edlund-Berry, Portsmouth, Rhode Island: 7-44.

Valmin, M. N. 1938: The Swedish Messenia Expedition, Lund.

Wiman, I. 1991-92: ‘The Adornment of Malavisch on a Three-Parted Disc Group Mirror in Lund’, in Medelhavsmuseet Bulletin 26-27: 90-101.

Winter, N. A. 2009: Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria & Central Italy, 640-510 B.C., Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Winter, N. A., I. Iliopoulos and A. J. Ammerman 2009: ’New light on the production of decorated roofs of the 6th c. B.C. at sites in and around Rome’, in Journal of Roman Archaeology 22: 6-28.



