Teologi som ulike biter og deler. Ti år med trosopplæring i Den norske kirke


  • Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen PhD, førsteamanuensis ved Det praktisk-teologiske seminar, Universitetet i Oslo.




This article analyzes how «theology» has been understood and practised in discussions taking place in relation to the implementation of the Christian Education Reform in Church of Norway. One of the main findings is that previous research has been discursive in their way of approaching theology as an authoritative discourse. Seeking to establish theology as an internally persuasive discourse, this article argues that activities beyond what has traditionally been understood as particularly Christian practices should be included as a constituting part of the educational programs taking place in Church of Norway. Being the first article to analyze the ten first years of the Christian Education Reform, its main theoretical contribution is to demonstrate how an ANT approach can question conceptions of theology often taken for granted in this empirical field.

Keywords: Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) • Bruno Latour • John Law • Modes of Syncretism • Self-Ethnography • Conceptions of Theology • The Christian Education Reform in Church of Norway.

Nøkkelord: Aktør-nettverk-teori (ANT) • Bruno Latour • John Law • Synkretismemoduser • Selv-etnografi • Teologibegreper • Trosopplæringsreformen i Den norske kirke.



